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Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
3 days ago4 min read
Recursive Finance Manifesto: The Birth of an Autonomous Economic Intelligence
Introduction to a New Financial System The current financial system appears to have reached its limits. It's based on linear logic, so...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Oct 4, 20243 min read
Why Formula's for Success Don't Work if They Don't Match Your Mind: How to Change Your Mind to Match (There Is a Solution Very Few Know About...)
With the amount of content available, the whole world should be successful by now. But why do 98% still fail, and why do some methods...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jul 23, 20243 min read
7 Tips to Stay Consistent: How I've Changed From 30 Hour Weeks to 80+ Hour Weeks... Consistently XD (Tip 1 is THE ALPHA)
I've been on a #consistency vibe for yeaaaars now. Mostly because I had none... I'm sharing my 7 tips to stay consistent, and all of it...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jul 11, 20242 min read
How to Become One With The Atropa Ecosystem Pulsechain: Coexist Experiment (+Vivian's Dope DnB Song!)
The Atropa ecosystem Pulsechain has created a new technology for the world of decentralized finance. It is an ecosystem of liquidity...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jun 14, 20243 min read
Richard Heart: Love Him or Hate Him, It's Time For Self Reflection and to Align Yourself With the Old World or the New World
Richard Heart - you either love him or hate him. How can someone represent love for some, but hate for others? Through the lens of RHMax...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jun 8, 20243 min read
Why Pulsechain Is Going To Be The Number 1 Blockchain : The Consciousness Behind It All
I'm going to be talking about why Pulsechain is going to be the number 1 blockchain because of the Consciousness behind it. This isn't...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jun 1, 20247 min read
10 Day Water Fast Results: Why is Water Only Fasting so Good For You? The Benefits, Risks, How to Do it Right, and What NOT to Do (WARNING!)
In the following blog I will share the recent 10 day water fast results I had, and I will outline the reasons why a water fast is good...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Mar 24, 20245 min read
Why Do I Keep Failing? "Only 2% Make It" According to Tom Bilyeu: Honest Self Awareness of a 98% Failure and How The Solution to Success Might be This...
Why do I keep failing? This is a question that's plagued me my whole life - I couldn't seem to break out of my old habits no matter how...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Mar 13, 20243 min read
What Dune Teaches Us About the Messiah: Why it Touches Our Deepest Desire "He's Different to Other Strangers... He's Sincere"
Dune, The Matrix, Star Wars - all stories of a "Messiah", but what does Dune teach us about the Messiah? Subconsciously, we're all deeply...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Mar 4, 20242 min read
BTCMobick February 2024 Price Update
The BTCMobick price update, for most people is the most important thing. In a recent video I went over the price chart and how the health...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Feb 23, 20245 min read
What is Atropa Pulsechain? What is pDAI? Who is mariarahel the 414 Dev and What are the IRC Chatlogs? Unravelling the Mystery of Crypto's Greatest Narrative And How THIS is True DeFi - Part I
This is Part I of a series on the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem, diving into the creation of a truly decentralized financial system with...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Nov 27, 20234 min read
Why Can't I Change? Why Am I a COMPLETE FAILURE? "99% of People Will Die Broke" (Tom Bilyeu) PT1
Success - many are chasing it, but very few make it. 99% of people will die broke according to Tom Bilyeu, founder of $1b company Quest...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Nov 8, 20233 min read
BTCMobick PoW Mining = Bitcoin PoW Mining: The Story of What You Might Be Missing Out On Pt 4
As a fork of Bitcoin, BTCMobick uses the same Proof of Work mining technology. In this article I explain what mining is to make it clear,...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Nov 7, 20232 min read
How to Use the BTCMobick Mobile App and the Paper Wallets: Tutorial
This is a quick guide on how to use the BTCMobick Mobile App and how to use the BTCMobck Paper Wallets. If you prefer the videos...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Oct 9, 20236 min read
BTCMobick White Paper: The Innovations That Could Improve the Bitcoin Network with Public Goods
The following is the White Paper for BTCMobick, translated from Korean. I will be doing a future deep dive on this white paper and will...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Oct 4, 20233 min read
Changing Old Habits - 6 Week UBX Nundah Exercise Challenge COMPLETE (New Learnings!)
A few weeks ago I completed the 6-week exercise challenge with UBX Nundah, and was really hoping to change some lingering old habits. My...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Sep 28, 20234 min read
BTCMobick's Developing Network Effect: The Story of What You Might Be Missing Out On Pt3
BTCMobick is already showing signs of a very healthy and developing network effect. In the last blog I unpacked how I was extremely...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Sep 25, 20233 min read
BTCMobick's Strong Foundation = Strong Network: The Story of What You Might Be Missing Out On Pt2
This is where I have started to get really excited by BTCMobick, as I uncover just how strong I believe the foundation of the network is....

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Sep 21, 20233 min read
BTCMobick and Awakening the Sleeping Whales: The Story of What You Might Be Missing Out On Pt 1
In this article, I want to introduce you to a project that has serendipitously stumbled into my life - BTCMobick. When things like this...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Aug 28, 20234 min read
Finding Hidden Treasures and Some (Priceless) Humility in Thrift Shopping
Whether we like to admit it or not, we judge people based on their appearance. Whether I look well-presented or not, has always been a...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Aug 25, 20234 min read
Blogging Reflection: The Difficulty of Consistency (10,000 Days of One Kick is Fearsome - Bruce Lee)
When I first started blogging, I was interested to do it as a way to help me grow and to spread some messages I felt were valuable enough...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Aug 14, 20235 min read
Changing Old Habits - 6 Week UBX Nundah Exercise Challenge (Changing Bad Diet Relationship!)
2 weeks ago, I started a 6-week exercise challenge with UBX Nundah, and I’m really hoping to be able to build some positive, new habits,...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Aug 2, 20237 min read
6 Ways to Make People Like You - "How to Change Habits That Lasts Forever" pt 2
This is part 2 of the series of reflections and tips on "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and in this part of the book, it covers...

Coexistence Steven - Architect, Meditator, Investor
Jun 8, 20237 min read
3 Fundamental Techniques in Handling People - "How to Change Habits That Lasts Forever" pt 1
This is part 1 of my series of reflections and tips on "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and how I've been able to apply the...
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