Day 33 of 100 - Fundemental changes and grateful reflection
I want to spend today to look back and reflect with gratitude on how things have changed. Because today is day 33. 33 hasn’t always been...
Day 33 of 100 - Fundemental changes and grateful reflection
Day 30 of 100 - How I easily do 16 hours a day as a volunteer
Day 28 of 100 - Using gratitude to re-find my mojo...
Day 27 of 100 - Some great progress and a few of my favourite things...
Day 20 of 100 – 1/5th of the way
Day 4 of 100 - The thoughts don't exist
Day 3 of 100 - My body / mind can't handle the gratitude
Day 1 of 100 – An experiment on the power of gratitude