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7 Tips to Stay Consistent: How I've Changed From 30 Hour Weeks to 80+ Hour Weeks... Consistently XD (Tip 1 is THE ALPHA)


I've been on a #consistency vibe for yeaaaars now.

Mostly because I had none...

I'm sharing my 7 tips to stay consistent, and all of it rests on tip 1, the step that no one else teaches.

7 Consistency Tips, but it's all about Step 1 - Clearing Out the Old Self
7 Consistency Tips, but it's all about Step 1 - Clearing Out the Old Self

Learning How to Change Your Mindset is Key to Stay Consistent

Learning how to change my mindset hasn't been easy - it's been a long process.

I could never work more than 30 hours a week - negative self talk, laziness, bad routines and bad habits.

But the mindset can absolutely be changed, and if I want success, I know it's what I need to do.

7 Tips to Stay Consistent: How I've Changed From 30 Hour Weeks to 80+ Hour Weeks:

1) Clear Away Old Programming:

This is the NUMBER ONE ingredient, and without this step, none of the other tips could stick.

The rest are obvious to be honest, everyone says the same things.

Clearing away and learning how to discard the old programming is completely unique to what I share and the foundation of my consistency.

We just run on autopilot 95% of the time.

Laziness breeds laziness, bad habits breed bad habits.

Get rid of that shit to create a new self.

To the best of my knowledge, there's no other way, and this is why most people get stuck- because of their own mind.

2) Set Clear Goals:

Dopamine hit yaaaay!

The science is clear - setting goals helps you change your habits, which neurologically wires you for more consistency.

3) Set Challenges:

100 day blogging challenge was my first, and also a 30 day gratitude channel, and doing it with my friends has been a big part of developing consistency.

Yeah I failed at times, but I stretched my laziness to the limits and radically changed.

At the moment I'm doing a 30 day reset to trigger autophagy without losing muscle mass, eat more food, reset some food habits and lose weight.

In fact, it's going so well, I will be doing it back to back as a 60 day challenge :)

4) Create a Routine:

If we run on autopilot 95% of the time, wouldn't it make sense to create positive routines?

Discipline Equals Freedom is Jocko Willink's book on exactly this - highly recommend.

Setting up my environment to optimize work flow and routine keeps things beautifully organised.

What a fkn bad boi, seriously What a fkn bad boi, seriously haha the consistency king
What a fkn bad boi, seriously haha the consistency king

5) Stay Organized:

My weekly journal is my bae.

I have a life vision, then it's broken down into 10 year plan and yearly plan.

Then it's further broken down into individual 3 month journals where I have my plans, weekly plan, and daily plan.

Organisation, organisation, organisation .

Tick, tick, tick.

Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.

6) Practice Self-Discipline:

This was the hardest part for me, because I lived life on my terms as a self centred, narcassistic hedonist.

I only ever did things when I felt like it.

But that's crap and I let a lot of people down, and myself down - there was no integrity to my word.

Doing things NO MATTER WHAT is how I operate now, and clearing away all my old thought patterns and habits was the starting point for this newfound discipline.

The 100 gratitude challenge I wrote for this blog was the start of this journey.

7) Celebrate Small Wins:

Sunday afternoon is my down time and the only time I will watch a movie or chill and I like to go out and have a cheeky meal (and maybe some ice cream XD)

Celebrate the joy of life
Celebrate the joy of life

1 Comment

Gab Adam
Gab Adam
Jul 26, 2024

thanks for sharing Steven!


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