My brain is fried. I’ve done nearly 2 weeks in a row of 16+ hours on average day. Maybe that’s no big deal for some and they’re used to it, but I’m definitely not!
Today I wanted to stop, but almost serenditipously, the first thing I see is I have the word “consistency” staring at me in the face because from another blog I had written about building good habits.
It’s uncanny. But I’ve learnt to recognize these serenditipous moments aren’t uncanny! There are just the Universe pushing me from behind (thank you Mother and Father)!

Using ChatGPT to speed up the learning curve of anything
So I take a deep breathe, and try to think of what I want to write. I want to explore the concept of AI. I’ve been fooling around with and I’m really continuously blown away by it.
For starters, it's freeing up huge amounts of mind power! I feel like my capacity has levelled up 100x! if this was Mario bros, I just ate like 100 mushrooms.
So as an experiment, I quickly wrote this blog and I wanted to input it into the chatGPT bot and see if it can correct everything for me and how much better at writing it is than me.
I’ve had some solid discussions with the bot, and I can see how quickly it can help you learn. So now it’s time to put it into practical use.

How ChatGPT can help
OK so the above is delibarely unedited. Now it’s time to ask the bot:
Can you please edit this write up for a blog and make it sound more helpful to people, more easily readable, and more fun? Also please correct all the errors in it and appropriate keywords for google seo. Thank you!
Here is what ChatGPT said:
Are you feeling overwhelmed and fried from too much work? You're not alone! It's natural to feel drained after putting in long hours, especially if you're not used to it. But don't worry, there are ways to recharge and restore your mind and body.
One effective way to do this is through meditation and gratitude. By taking a few moments to focus on your breath and quiet your mind, you can restore your mental clarity and calm your nervous system. And by expressing gratitude for the good things in your life, you can shift your perspective and cultivate a positive mindset.
These practices can help you develop the mental strength and resilience to handle tough situations and overcome challenges. And by incorporating them into your daily routine, you can build good habits and create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

If you're interested in learning more about meditation and gratitude, there are many resources available online. You can find guided meditations, gratitude exercises, and other tools to help you get started and stay motivated. And by using AI-powered tools like chatGPT, you can get personalized feedback and support to improve your writing and communication skills.
Overall, meditation and gratitude can be powerful tools to help you cope with stress and thrive in your personal and professional life. By incorporating them into your daily routine, you can cultivate a positive mindset and achieve your goals with ease and joy.
Did ChatGPT help?
I’m not really sure it understood my request. But this is part of the fun. Now, I can ask it:
the following is a writing of my experience for my personal blog - can you make it sound more related, helpful, and humerous?

Here is what ChatGPT said:
Do you ever feel like your brain is fried from too much work? Trust me, you're not alone! It's natural to feel drained and exhausted after putting in long hours, especially if you're not used to it. But don't worry, there are ways to recharge and restore your mind and body.
One effective way to do this is through meditation and gratitude. By taking a few moments to focus on your breath and quiet your mind, you can restore your mental clarity and calm your nervous system. And by expressing gratitude for the good things in your life, you can shift your perspective and cultivate a positive mindset.
These practices can help you develop the mental strength and resilience to handle tough situations and overcome challenges. And by incorporating them into your daily routine, you can build good habits and create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

But let's be real, who has time for that when you're busy building a trading algorithm and trying to save the world? Well, you might be surprised to learn that incorporating meditation and gratitude into your routine can actually help you be more productive and efficient in your work.
So why not give it a try? You might just find that your capacity levels up 100x, just like in Mario Bros when you eat a bunch of mushrooms. And who knows, you might even have some solid discussions with the chatGPT bot while you're at it. Happy meditating and grateful living!
Thanks ChatGPT!
In the end, it doesn’t have my inherent personality, but I can see how it can give some good ideas and open my mind up. Within 10 seconds, there’s 2 different outcomes, which can help overcome a writers block? But I never usually have any. Things just usually pour out….
This is what I’m overwhelmingly grateful for today! And for the mind of acceptance I’ve developed by clearing away my negativity. Being able to recognize trends, and move with them, wabsent of judgements. And grow.
PS - I did go back and edit the writing, but the flow is basically the same!