Haha, it always seems to be that when I say something like "oh things are going great!", then the Universe almost instantly shows me "hang on, you still got these types of thoughts"
OK, OK, OK. Gee whizz. I suppose I was asking to be humbled....

I've slipped into a cycle of reasonably unhealthy eating this past week. Eating out a lot as I had a friend visiting from Perth, and now it's carried into these last few days.
So tomorrow I'm cutting that shit out.
It really ruins my gut, and then a bad gut makes me lazy. Real lazy.
Apparently there was a study done on rats that even proved that a good diet = more action.
One thing I will say though, is the overwhelmingly negative thoughts that would always come up, don't seem to be coming up - maybe like 1-5%, compared to the past where it as 100%.
So I'm bloody grateful for that.

Maybe even I ought to do a cleanse for week.
This is what my Mother would want....
I'll do it for her.