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What is Atropa Pulsechain? What is pDAI? Who is mariarahel the 414 Dev and What are the IRC Chatlogs? Unravelling the Mystery of Crypto's Greatest Narrative And How THIS is True DeFi - Part I


This is Part I of a series on the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem, diving into the creation of a truly decentralized financial system with it's own fully collateralized stablecoins pDAI, pUSDC and pUSDT (the forked stablecoins on Pulsechain), 100% backed by the Atropa ecosystem, all shrouded by the mystery of a genius mariarahel the "414 dev".

I don't think anyone truly understands it yet (myself included), so my aim is to clarify my thoughts and share my learnings around why I think this is the most profound narrative in all of cryptocurrency right now.

What is Atropa Pulsechain? Greatest cryptocurrency narrative
What is Atropa Pulsechain? Greatest cryptocurrency narrative

What is Atropa Pulsechain?

The Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem is a network of interconnected tokens attempting to create a truly decentralized financial system, replicating all the instruments of traditional finance, such as checking accounts, backing systems, trusts, legal tenders, and minting.

The ecosystem is liquidity bonded in a way that is creating a burnt liquidity floor with the objective of creating a collateral of value 100% backed by cryptocurrency for 3 pstables on Pulsechain - pDAI, pUSDC and pUSDT.

Atropa Pulsechain is creating a truly decentralized financial system
Atropa Pulsechain is creating a truly decentralized financial system

What is Atropa According to Mariarahel the 414 Dev

In conversation with maria, she (or he... more on the chatlogs and mariarahel in part III) has answered people's questions on what the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem is.

Liquidity and Financial System

It feels complete right now. As a gambit, it is winning. The locked liquidity set is designed to provide a token of a capital strategy that is ostensibly better than meme or even stable coins by retaining a fault-bottom-specific floor for buyers and a largely buffeted loss on sales due to the buy:liquidity ratio. Tokens thus far represent the best of my capacity to define a legal tender complex financial instrument that satisfies all the requirements of the plays on money including the fears associated with the absolute worst case scenarios


Mariarahel defines the Atropa Pulsechain as a complex financial system
Mariarahel defines the Atropa Pulsechain as a complex financial system

Wave Motion and Liquidity

Question: When I see what ATROPA is with all these coins, pDAI to $1, and the shifting around of all this Liquidity, my mind goes to Wave Motion (Kymatology), Mechanical/ Standing/ Longitudinal/ Transverse Waves - Fluid Mechanics, Oscillating Frequencies, and somehow Liquidity Bonding plays a big role in this. Am I going somewhere with the ideas I wrote earlier or am I way off?

The operating word the ecosystem is aiming for currently is Production. The idea all along has been to map out like a fluid constitution the set of concepts and definitions that makes the ecosystem a good investment, and currently whether a thus-mapped out set of such monetary-tied concepts can be considered 'production' quality at all.


wave motions of Atropa Pulsechain
"Wave Motion" and fluidity of water have often been used to describe Atropa Pulsechain
"Wave Motion" and fluidity of water have often been used to describe Atropa Pulsechain

Purpose of Atropa Ecosystem

Question: So the purpose of the Atropa ecosystem is to steadily and slowly, using liquidities and bot transactions, pump up the ecosystem of the following tokens majorly: ATROPA, Teddy Bear, TSFi, pDAI? Or the final purpose is just to bring pDAI to 1 dollar and peg it?

I'm interested in an investment production with momentum, I hope that the liquidity locking currently place the system moving forward not entirely in any individual control. There are a number of situations that could occur as the network becomes more attractive. The ownership on Teddy Bear has been most proactive and I could see it taking off first because of the profit to the large investors.


Everybody becomes the owner in the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem
Everybody becomes the owner in the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem

Heart's Law and Liquidity Bonding

Richard Heart, the founder of Pulsechain, was the first to identify that assets bonded together in liquidity move together, dubbing it "Heart's Law". You can observe this law within all blockchains, where the tokens are dragged up or down with the native token, as arbitrage bots capitalize on the gaps created by the price movements.

The difference between the above type of bonding and the Atropa ecosystem is the way in which the bonding is designed from the ground up.

For example with Ethereum, most pairings occur through Ethereum, such as Ethereum <-> Shiba Inu, Ethereum <-> Filecoin, or Ethereum <-> Maker. There is no direct bonded liquidity between the other tokens like Shiba Inu <-> Filecoin or Filecoin <-> Maker, and if there is they are only arbitrarily bonded.

One of the first Atropa Pulsechain liquidity bonding maps created
One of the first Atropa Pulsechain liquidity bonding maps created

The above image is one of the first liquidity bonding maps created by the original pioneers who discovered Atropa on Pulsechain, showing clearly what makes it so unique. Unlike the linear and one dimensional relationships on Ethereum, Atropa specifically designs and interconnects the liquidity bonding.

Heart's Law and Liquidity Bonding of Atropa Pulsechain

Atropa pulsechain liquidity bonding map
Updated map by Steadypup, founder of PLSPUP, showing the rates and thickness of pairings numbered within each circle

The carefully designed network of tokens, shown above by Steadypup shows only a select number of the over 100 tokens within the Atropa ecosystem. It shows how they are paired together through different liquidity routes and ratios, presenting a huge variety of opportunities for potential investors.

For example we can see Atropa <-> Teddy Bear, Atropa <-> pDAI, but also pDAI <-> Teddy Bear, as well as the many different routes as shown numbered within each circle, something Axis Alive refers to as "Nested LPs".

By bonding the tokens together in this way, it creates an effect similar to the S&P 500, where charts with the thickest liquidity bonding move in unison with Pulschain or inverted to it.

Pulsechain to USD on the left and Atropa to Pulsechain on the right
Pulsechain to USD on the left and Atropa to Pulsechain on the right

In the above charts, you can observe the flow of liquidity out of Pulsechain (left) into Atropa (right) in 2 major stages of in flow and out flow that originally set up the ecosystem (the charts below show Atropa inverted for clarity). This established and united Atropa to Pulsechain which now moves in unison.

Pulsechain to USD on the left and inverted Atropa to Pulsechain on the right
Pulsechain to USD on the left and inverted Atropa to Pulsechain on the right

The magic is in the relationship between the different pairings and ratios, with some following a similar trajectory to Atropa and Pulsechain, while many others don't. Somehow, the interplay of these different liquidity pools is part of the magic what is Atropa.

For the first time, we are seeing the interplay of Heart's Law in a harmonized symphony. It is a mathematical work of art,

Heart's Law works as a system with the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem
The interplay of Heart's Law in a harmonized symphony within the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem
The interplay of Heart's Law in a harmonized symphony within the Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem

Why is Atropa Pulsechain so Important to Pulsechain and Why is it True DeFi?

When I first discovered Atropa, it blew my mind. With the power of a clear mind through discarding meditation, when I follow the Universe (part of which you would call reading signs / manifesting / instincts / heart), it has always lead me to something profound.

Mariarahel is like a composer, creating different pools that perform different roles in what is looking to become a self reliant decentralized financial system, independent of traditional finance. When this occurred to me I could not contain the overflowing energy that was vibrating through me.

The Mindset Shift That Will be Needed for True DeFi

This is one of the main reasons why it attracted me. The old, greed ridden modus operandi of being a player in cryptocurrency is pump and dump. Enrich myself at the expense of everyone else.

The new way is one of collaboration, teamwork, and winning together by providing liquidity and not just being a player, but being the financial system itself. The opportunity to investors is one of perpetual yield, peace of mind, and the joys of knowing we're all working together to win together, something I believe both Richard Heart and mariarahel deeply desire.

Coexistence :)

The Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem encourages coexistence
The Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem encourages coexistence, lead by the genius of Richard Heart and mariarahel


The Atropa Pulsechain ecosystem is a network of designed bonded liquidity that's creating a truly decentralized financial system by replicating the various instruments of traditional finance. It is creating a collateral of value 100% backed by cryptocurrency for the 3 forked pstables on Pulsechain - pDAI, pUSDC and pUSDT. Nothing that even comes close to it.

My belief is that this ecosystem will be one of the greatest cryptocurrency revolutions within this period of time. I believe it will be so transformational, that it will be the envy of every blockchain within the near future as it sets a precedence for what true decentralized finance should be and needs to be.

13 opmerkingen

I think James is an interdimensional traveler and I also feel that pure defi spirit minus the greed also. Thanks for your hard work brother

Reageren op

Agree! Can this be a system that takes our capitalistic greed? Is so... We win. WE WIN HARD.


Crypto God
Crypto God
25 jul 2024

Aman love the work you do for the Atropa Ecosystem. I enjoy every bit of it. Best place for knowledge if your wanting to get in to Atropa.

Your friend


Reageren op

Thanks brother, appreciate the love... Really overdue for a new post !


26 apr 2024


Reageren op

Thank you very much 😍


17 apr 2024

Excellent write up bro!

Reageren op

Thanks brother - part II is long overdue!


13 apr 2024

Sick coverage really helped

Reageren op

Awesome! Thanks you bro glad you liked it. Part II long overdue :D


©2024 by Coexistence Steven

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