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Why Formula's for Success Don't Work if They Don't Match Your Mind: How to Change Your Mind to Match (There Is a Solution Very Few Know About...)

With the amount of content available, the whole world should be successful by now.

But why do 98% still fail, and why do some methods work for some people but not for others?

It is about whether or not they match your mind.

If you're wondering how to change your mind to match, there is a solution few people know about.


The Method Has to Match Your Mind

The mind is made up of pictures from the life lived, the habits inherited from parents and ancestors, and the body that takes the pictures.

This mind is 100% false and is just an accumulation of the past – it is like a robot mind and has no life, but we all live thinking that this is real and who "I am".

The reason why only 2% succeed is because the method they succeeded with matches their mind - aka the pictures in their mind.

In other words, the pictures they have accumulated in their mind from their life, habits and body fits to the method.

An Example of How a Mind Matches a Method

Think about children taking over family businesses, or mentors imparting their wisdom.

The parents and mentors are sculpting the mind of ones pictures to succeed - for example Simon Sinek was mentored by Ron Bruder.

But this doesn't always work if someone is too old or stuck in their way of thinking.

Also, not everyone has access to that, and not everyone succeeds by this "mentoring" formula.

Even the ability to find and engage with a mentor is determined by your pictures in your mind.

If you lack confidence and communication skills, then your mind does not match the circumstance for gaining a mentor, so you have to develop those skills to match.

But what happens if you can't develop those skills?


How to Change Your Mind to Match

The knowledge of the planet will have you thinking it’s by learning or developing skills.

But can you build a castle on quicksand?

In other words, if your mind is working against you, it's almost impossible.

What if you could remove from your mind what is working against you?

Through a method of self-reflection and discarding meditation, you can identify for yourself where in your life the pictures (thought patterns) originated from, and learn how to let them go.

This is how to change your mind to match.


Follow This Method to Change Your Mind to Match

  1. Accept that you have that mind, and it is only a shadow of the past and not who you truly are

  2. Reflect on your life and identify the moments of failure

  3. Let go of those failures from your mind through discarding meditation

  4. Continue reflecting in a journal to identify thought patterns which keep blocking you

  5. Continue to let go of those thoughts through discarding meditation

After reflecting and discarding, your mind will become free from those thoughts as you realize they are false and an illusion.

Once you learn how to change your mind by removing blockages, you can succeed by finding any formula that suits your mind.

As you apply the formula, it might not be a straight line to success, but if you keep following the steps above it will eventually work over time.

Those who learn this method in this new era will be the most blessed and will be the leaders of the new world.

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